
Rqueue has many configuration settings that can be configured either using application config or code.

Table of contents

  1. Task or Queue Concurrency
  2. Manual start of the container
  3. Message converters configuration
  4. Additional Configuration

Apart from the basic configuration, it can be customized heavily, like number of tasks it would be executing concurrently. More and more configurations can be provided using SimpleRqueueListenerContainerFactory class. See SimpleRqueueListenerContainerFactory doc for more configs.

public class RqueueConfiguration {
  public SimpleRqueueListenerContainerFactory simpleRqueueListenerContainerFactory() {
    // return SimpleRqueueListenerContainerFactory object

Task or Queue Concurrency

By default, the number of task executors are twice the number of queues. A custom or shared task executor can be configured using factory’s setTaskExecutor method. It’s also possible to provide queue concurrency using RqueueListener annotation’s field concurrency. The concurrency could be some positive number like 10, or range 5-10. If queue concurrency is provided then each queue will use their own task executor to execute consumed messages, otherwise a shared task executor is used to execute tasks. A global number of workers can be configured using setMaxNumWorkers method. RqueueListener annotation also has batchSize field, the default values are as, listener having concurrency set will fetch 10 messages while other 1.

Increasing batch size has its consequences, if your thread pool size is too low in that case you would see many processing jobs since task would be rejected by executor unless you’ve configured large queueCapacity.

class RqueueConfiguration {
  public SimpleRqueueListenerContainerFactory simpleRqueueListenerContainerFactory() {
    SimpleRqueueListenerContainerFactory factory = new SimpleRqueueListenerContainerFactory();
    return factory;
class RqueueConfiguration {

  public SimpleRqueueListenerContainerFactory simpleRqueueListenerContainerFactory() {
    SimpleRqueueListenerContainerFactory factory = new SimpleRqueueListenerContainerFactory();
    ThreadPoolTaskExecutor threadPoolTaskExecutor = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor();
    return factory;

When a custom executor is provided, then you must set MaxNumWorkers correctly, otherwise thread pool might be over or under utilised. Over utilization of thread pool is not possible, it will reject new tasks, this will lead to delay in message consumption, under utilization can be handled as

ThreadPoolTaskExecutor threadPoolTaskExecutor = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor();
threadPoolTaskExecutor.setThreadNamePrefix( "ListenerExecutor" );

In this configuration there are three variables corePoolSize, maxPoolSize and queueCapacity.

  • corePoolSize signifies the lower limit of active threads.
  • maxPoolSize signifies the upper limit of active threads.
  • queueCapacity signify even though we have maxPoolSize running threads we can have queueCapacity tasks waiting in the queue, that can be dequeue and executed by the existing thread as soon as the running threads complete the execution.

If you have N queues then you can set maximum number of workers as (maxPoolSize + queueCapacity - N )

Here N threads are provided for polling queues, this is not a correct number when priority is used.

The number of message pollers would be sum of the followings.

  1. Number of unique priority groups.
  2. Number of queues whose priority is provided as "critical=5,high=2".
  3. Number of queues without priority.

If you don’t want to go into the maths, then you can set

  • queueCapacity >= 2 * number of queues
  • maxPoolSize >= 2 * number of queues
  • corePoolSize >= number of queues

Whenever you set queue capacity to non-zero then it can create duplicate message problem, since the polled messages are just waiting to be executed, if visibilityTimeout expires than other message listener will pull the same message.

Manual start of the container

Whenever container is refreshed or application is started then it is started automatically, it also comes with a graceful shutdown. Automatic start of the container can be controlled using autoStartup flag, when autoStartup is false then application must call start and stop methods of container. For further graceful shutdown application should call destroy method as well.

class RqueueConfiguration {

  public SimpleRqueueListenerContainerFactory simpleRqueueListenerContainerFactory() {
    SimpleRqueueListenerContainerFactory factory = new SimpleRqueueListenerContainerFactory();
    return factory;
public class BootstrapController {

  private RqueueMessageListenerContainer rqueueMessageListenerContainer;

  // ...
  public void start() {
    // ...

  public void stop() {
    // ...

  public void destroy() {
    // ...

Message converters configuration

Generally any message can be converted to and from without any problems, though it can be customized by providing an implementation org.springframework.messaging.converter.MessageConverter, this message converter must implement both the methods of MessageConverter interface. Implementation must make sure the return type of method toMessage is Message<String> while as in the case of fromMessage any object can be returned as well.

We can configure message converter only using application configuration using property rqueue.message.converter.provider.class=com.example.MyMessageConverterProvider

MyMessageConverterProvider class must implement com.github.sonus21.rqueue.converter.MessageConverterProvider interface.

class MyMessageConverterProvider implements MessageConverterProvider {

  public MessageConverter getConverter() {
    // here any message converter can be returned except null 
    return new MyMessageConverter();

The default implementation is DefaultMessageConverterProvider, ths converter returns DefaultRqueueMessageConverter. DefaultRqueueMessageConverter can encode/decode most of the messages, but it will have problem when message classes are not shared across application. If you do not want to share class as jar files then you can use com.github.sonus21.rqueue.converter.JsonMessageConverter or org.springframework.messaging.converter.MappingJackson2MessageConverter these converters produce JSON data. Other implementation can be used as well MessagePack, ProtoBuf etc

Additional Configuration

  • rqueue.retry.per.poll : The number of times, a polled message should be tried before declaring it dead or putting it back in the simple queue. The default value is 1, that means a message would be executed only once and next execution will happen on next poll. While if we increase this to N then the polled message would be tries consecutively N times before it will be made available for other listeners.

Table of contents